Enabling the Outdoor Dining Revolution

In the face of COVID-19 restrictions, our team really enjoyed playing a role in making the outdoor dining revolution possible.
As local councils across Melbourne grappled with the challenges that outdoor dining brings, we provided relief by providing seamless facilities management and maintenance services.
Committed to being responsive to every client’s needs as they evolve, we adapted our service offering to ensure local councils could help local hospitality businesses to fulfill COVID-19 restrictions.
We worked collaboratively with local Councils across the state of Victoria to design and deliver a smarter service solution that allowed footpath trading to expand to more than 100 venues, activating a full on-street dining experience.
Due to their agility and dedication, the Grounds and Open Space team led by Daniel Sacco, continue to deliver high–quality services to local Councils around the country.
“We are proud to see our solutions-driven team continue to deliver smarter services that meet the needs of local communities while enhancing the profile of local government,” said Demara Jackson, CEO, UMS.
UMS has an unrivalled depth of experience working alongside government bodies. During its 25 years in business, UMS has bolstered a thorough understanding, diverse capability and proven experience in effectively delivering timely, responsive and efficient works aligned to critical frameworks.